Important notice: Each document is the copyright of British Telecommunications plc. Reproduction of Suppliers' Information Notes (SINs), Service Provider Information Notes ( SPINs) and Suppliers Trial Information Notes (STINs) is permitted only in their entirety, to disseminate information on the BT Network within your organisation. You must not edit or amend any SIN, SPIN or STIN or reproduce extracts. You must not remove BT trade marks, notices, headings or copyright markings.
SINs, SPINs and STINs do not form a part of any contract with BT customers or suppliers.
Users of these documents should not rely solely on the information contained in them, but should carry out their own tests to satisfy themselves that terminal equipment will work with the BT network.
BT reserves the right to amend or replace any or all of the information in SINs, SPINs and STINs.
BT shall have no liability in contract, tort or otherwise for any loss or damage, howsoever arising from use of, or reliance upon, the information in SINs, SPINs and STINs by any person.
Due to technological limitations a very small percentage of customer interfaces may not comply with some of the individual characteristics which may be defined in SINs, SPINs and STINs.
Publication of these documents do not give or imply any licence to any intellectual property rights belonging to British Telecommunications plc or others. It is your sole responsibility to obtain any licences, permissions or consents which may be necessary if you choose to act on the information supplied in the SIN, SPIN or STIN.