Like most large businesses, BT Group funds its operations through equity and debt as well as from funds generated from its trading activities. Below are details of BT Group's listed debt (debt quoted and traded on stock exchanges) and credit ratings.

Beware of share or debt fraud

Retail investors are advised to be very wary of any suspicious or unsolicited mail or telephone calls in relation to their BT Group plc (BT) shares or debt. 

BT Group does not issue debt directly to retail investors, and none of BT Group’s debt is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Further, the target market for BT Group’s debt under MiFID II is not retail investors, and any person subsequently offering, selling or recommending BT Group’s debt should therefore not offer, sell or otherwise make available BT Group’s debt to retail investors.

BT Group's credit rating

More information on credit ratings

Ratings represent an evaluation of credit quality, conducted by independent financial analysis firms. Credit ratings and research can help investors assess marketplace value and degree of investment risk.

Standard & Poor's (S&P), Moody's and Fitch are leading global credit rating, research and risk analysis operations. Their highest long-term rating is AAA/Aaa and the lowest is C. Moody's uses numerical modifiers (1, 2, 3) in each rating classification while S&P and Fitch use plus and minus signs.

Short-term ratings by these agencies assess the ability of the company to repay short-term debt obligations. A1/P1/F1 ratings (highest short-term rating) by S&P, Moody's and Fitch respectively indicate a superior ability to repay short-term debt obligations; A2/P2/F2 indicates satisfactory ability and A3/P3/F3 indicates adequate ability to meet the short-term financial liabilities.

The same rating from different firms may not mean exactly the same thing. Each firm will use different techniques and subjective assessment in formulating ratings opinions.

Financing strategy

The group funding policy is to raise and invest funds centrally to meet anticipated requirements using a combination of capital market bond issuance, commercial paper borrowing, committed borrowing facilities and investments. These are planned so as to mature at different stages in order to meet short, medium and long-term requirements. When market conditions allow, we believe that it’s prudent to pre-fund larger maturities. Our policy is to raise debt in markets/ currencies where there is strong investor demand and we get the best rate, if that is outside of the UK then we will swap the debt immediately into fixed sterling to mitigate currency risk. 

Summary charts of BT Group debt

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

  • * For the hybrid bond issued 20 June 2023, this date represents the non-call date, not maturity date

  • * For the hybrid bond issued 23 Nov 2021, this date represents the non-call date, not maturity date

    Bond listing prospectus - November 2019

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    Bond listing prospectus - November 2021

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    * For hybrid debt, the date represents the non-call date, not maturity date.

  • Since 2020, in accordance with prospectus disclosure requirements, our BT bond prospectuses have specified that certain documents are available for inspection at BT Group plc financial information can be found at British Telecommunications plc financial information can be found at The documentation relating to both tranches of our US$ hybrid bond issued in November 2021 can be found under the ‘Dollar bonds’ tab above. The other specified documents are available here.

  • The Trustee and Paying Agent for the US dollar bonds are:

    Delaware Trust Company
    251 Little Falls Drive
    Wilmington, DE 19808-1674

    Toll free: 1-877-374-6010
    Local/International: 302-636-5404

    The contact details for the Trustee and Principal Paying Agent for all other bonds issued by British Telecommunications plc and BT Finance B.V. are:


    The Law Debenture Trust Corporation plc
    Fifth Floor
    100 Wood Street
    London EC2V 7EX

    Telephone +44 (0)20 7606 5451
    Fax +44 (0)20 7606 0643

    Principal Paying Agent

    Citibank N.A.
    Citigroup Centre
    Canada Square
    21st Floor - Paying Agency
    London E14 5LB

    Telephone: +44 (0)20 7500 5000