We normally publish the latest consensus every two weeks throughout the year, incorporating the impact of new estimates received from analysts since the last publication. 

A summary of the latest consensus is shown below, with the full view available to download in pdf or xlsx. Historic files are available below the table.

BT Group consensus summary
BT Group consensus summary

While BT Group believes the information contained in this table to be reliable, this table collates consensus estimates from third parties. BT Group does not warrant or represent the accuracy, completeness or validity of this information, nor the figures or calculations arising from this information. BT Group shall not be liable in any way for any loss or damage arising from reliance on, or use of, this table and/or the associated calculations, nor for any errors or omissions in its content.

Consensus development with time

  • Group EBITDA consensus
    Group EBITDA consensus

  • Consumer EBITDA consensus
    Consumer EBITDA consensus

  • Business EBITDA consensus
    Business EBITDA consensus

  • Openreach EBITDA consensus
    Openreach EBITDA consensus

1 Adjusted, i.e. before specific items

Historic consensus files

Filter by financial year
Filter by financial year

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