We’ve a role to play, not only in reducing our own end-to-end emissions, but also in providing products and services that help our customers and wider society to transition to a low carbon economy.
Between 2013 and 2019, we delivered on a commitment to achieve a ‘3:1 Net Positive ratio’ – enabling our customers to avoid three times the emissions of our own end-to-end carbon footprint.
Building on this success, we’re continuing our focus on providing products and services from growth technologies such as full fibre broadband (or FTTP, Fibre to the Premise), mobile 4G/5G solutions, cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT). Carbon enablement calculations provide an estimate of the greenhouse gas emissions (calculated in CO₂e) that are avoided or reduced with our customers' use of BT Group’s products and services. Emissions from a ‘before’ (or baseline) scenario are compared with those from the ‘after’ (or technology-enabled scenario).
We’ve developed an enablement methodology to explain our approach.