We have several codes of practice that cover how we deal with our customers and their information.
Customer complaints code
Please get in touch if you want a paper copy of this booklet – it’s free.
Nothing in this code is contractual. It all applies in addition to any other rights you may have under the terms and conditions of our products, services and equipment which you can find at www.bt.com/terms.
We provide services throughout the UK, although some may not be available in Hull.
We know we don’t always get it right. Our Customer Complaints Code explains what you can do if you’re not happy.
It tells you:
- how you can complain
- what we’ll do and when
- what you can do if you aren't happy with our response, including details of the ADR scheme (Alternative Dispute Resolution) which BT is a member of.
Our complaints code of practice (pdf - 599 KB) - 18/04/2024 - New
Automatic compensation
BT has played a leading role in developing a new voluntary industry code of practice for automatic compensation for fixed broadband and landline customers.
Compensation will be provided automatically when we are late in delivering a fixed line or broadband service, when it takes more than two working days to repair a fault that has caused a total loss of service, or when our engineer misses an appointment.
Compensation payments amounts will increase annually in line with inflation. Payments will increase from 1 April each year based on Consumer Price Index (CPI) as of 31 October in the previous year. The payment increase will apply to any new service issues that occur from 1 April.
PDF download - Communications Providers’ Voluntary Code Of Practice For An Automatic Compensation Scheme
Billing and debt collection
Billing and debt collection
For residential customers
15/11/2023 - New pdf - 565 KB
BT Business Code Of Practice – Debt Management
17/02/2025 pdf - 365 KB
Billing and debt collection
Our sales & marketing practices
Sometimes, customers tell us they’ve been transferred to another phone company without their knowledge or consent - a practice known as mis-selling or slamming. General Condition C7 prohibits underhand sales and marketing activities, and applies to domestic and small business landline and broadband customers.
At BT, we have effective systems in place to ensure customers can easily change their service when they need to. This applies to landline and broadband services for customers deciding to leave BT for another communications provider, those moving home, or those who are simply changing the services they receive from us. We will always give accurate information about the services to be provided and ensure that we have the customer’s consent to make any changes.
Where a customer is switching away from us, they will receive a letter which clearly sets out the details of the switch, any early termination charges due, and the impact of the switch on any remaining products and services. Customers can switch simply by placing an order with a new provider; they don’t have to contact the losing provider if they don’t want to.
Ofcom General Condition - C7 - Switching (pdf - 297 KB)
Similarly, mobile customer sometimes tell us they’ve also been transferred to another provider without their knowledge or consent. General Condition C8 is designed to stop these practices. It applies to domestic and small business customers and explains the rules communications providers should adhere to when selling and marketing their mobile and text services, as well as giving Ofcom the power to act when they don’t.
If you can’t access the documents, we’ll send you a printed copy free of charge.
If you’re a home phone customer, call 0800 800 150 (Mon - Fri, 8am – 9pm, Sat 8am – 8pm, Sun 9am – 6pm).
If you’re a business customer, call 0800 800 152 (Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm, Sat 8am - 1pm).
We give our people the right training to make sure you’re sold the right product and you know exactly what you’re buying. All our sales people follow the rules and regulations to make sure you’re protected.
But however hard we try, sometimes things will go wrong. If they do, we want to know as quickly as possible so we can put them right. So, if something does please tell us about it.
BT and the Ofcom 'Better Broadband Speed Information – voluntary codes of practice'
BT is one of the voluntary signatories to the residential and business versions of Ofcom’s Broadband Speed Code of Practice.
Both codes have been revised, with implementation at 1 March 2019.
The codes govern the information we provide to customers regarding the speed they are likely to achieve when they contract with us for broadband service, and also what we do if the customer doesn’t receive the speeds we expected at the point of sale.
The code revisions have improved the relevancy of speed estimates by providing a speed estimate based on the capability of the line going into their individual house or office; reflecting peak time speeds; providing a minimum guaranteed download speed at the point of sale; enhanced the process for the right to exit if a speed issue cannot be resolved and now include coverage for all technologies.
Good Practice Framework - Audio-visual Content Information
BT and other key players in the audiovisual market have worked with the Broadband Stakeholder Group* to launch a set of good practice principles for the provision of information about audiovisual content.
In a fast changing world consumers and parents want clear information about the content they and their children can view or access. Building on existing good practice, these principles promote common sense, simplicity and transparency to ensure that all users are empowered to make safe and informed choices about commercially provided content.
The full document below sets out the principles BT uses to guide its approach to providing content information and also explains the context in which these principles are applied. The good practice principles apply only to content that is commercially produced or acquired. They do not apply to user-generated content, advertising or unlawful material, which are managed by other mechanisms.
*The Broadband Stakeholder Group was established as a cross-sector government advisory group in 2001 to help the UK lead the G7 in broadband penetration and connectivity. Further details can be found at www.broadbanduk.org.