We recommend that you use our Essential or Advanced Digital Home Phones, which have been specially designed to use with our Digital Voice service.
You can order them when you place your order for Digital Voice. If you want additional handsets later, you can purchase them by contacting us on 0800 800 150.
Existing phone
You can continue to use your existing phone by plugging it into the phone port on the back of the Hub. Or you can use one of our adapters, which will let you plug your phone into any standard phone socket.
Fax machine
Generally fax is supported by the Digital Voice service, although it's not 100% guaranteed.
Try scanning the document and sending it as an email attachment, or take a photo of it on your mobile and send it that way.
If you need to use your fax machine, connect it to the phone port on the back of the Hub. It's best to send no more than ten pages at a time.