
Changes to how you login to BT Email

We’re making changes to the way you log into your BT email

Currently, you can log into the BT email service by using;

·       your BTID or email address from the Email link on or at 

·       your BTID from the My BT link on or at

What’s changing and what does this mean for me?

·       If you sometimes log into webmail using your BTID, this won’t be possible; you’ll need to log into your email at or from the email link on using your email address and password


·       If your email addresses is also your BT ID and the passwords are synced, they will both continue to work independently e.g.  

To manage your email account with your BTID you log in at using password AJd3$921

To access your mailbox you log in at using password AJd3$921

·       If you have a favourite mailbox set up, you won’t see this option in your email management page. You will however still need your BTID to create new email addresses


·       The ‘Switch Account’ link will still be available but if you want to access any additional email addresses you have,  you’ll need to log in to each one individually, using the relevant email address and password. You’ll no longer see links to other emails address that are linked to your account.

If you use an email client or the BT Email App, there is no change. However if you change your password for your email log in, remember you’ll  also need to update this in your client or the BT Email App.


Why are you making these changes?

We do appreciate that if you using multiple email addresses, this will change the way in which you currently access your account and we’re sorry for any inconvenience this might cause. However, with the ever increasing risks, we believe that separating your email from your BTID credentials reduces the risk associated with identity theft and subsequent fraud

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