Call charges on BT mobileMobile products (Flex, Sharer, Solo, SimOnly) are calculated using pence per second rates (at 4 DPs) which differ by type of call. A minimum call duration applies for each call, with(other than roamed calls received in Europe and Rest of World), with calls of shorter duration being charged as though they had reached this minimum duration. Calls exceeding the minimum call duration are rounded up to the next 1 second. Calls are then charged at the specified call rates and rounded to the next [Price] . Roamed calls outside the EU are rounded to the next 15 seconds after the minimum call duration is reached. Roamed calls received in Europe and Rest of World have no minimum call duration and are rounded to the next [Price] .
Data chargesCalls exceedingon BTthe mobileminimum productscall durationare calculatedare bycharged applying pence per Kilobyte rates to the volume of KB(atat 4DPs)the sentspecified incall ratesa continuousand periodrounded ofup datato transfer. The charges are and rounded to the next whole60 penny.seconds
Solo, SimOnly and Sharer and to the next 1 second for Flex. Calls are rounded to the next 1p. Roamed calls on all BT Mobile products (Flex, Sharer, Solo, SimOnly) made in the EU have a minimum call duration of 30 seconds. Roamed calls received in Europe and Rest of World have no minimum call duration and are rounded to the next 1p.
Data charges on BT mobile products are calculated by applying pence per Kilobyte rates to the volume of KB (at 4DPs) sent in a continuous period of data transfer. The charges are and rounded to the next whole penny.