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Notices 2009

13/09 BT Business Broadband Voice Free UK Calls Special Offer

Special Offer Terms and Conditions

1. This special offer, isoriginally available from 26th October 2009 is now closed to new customers who enter into contracts for BT Business Broadband Voice Service (including the Business Broadband Voice Unlimited Call Package) between 00.00 hours on the 26th October 2009 and 23.59 hours on the 30th April 2010*. It is not available with BT Hosted VoIP or BT Hosted VoIP Plus.

*2. Under Notethis -special Offeroffer, nowthe extendedCustomer towill 30thqualify Aprilfor 2011500 free inland call minutes per calendar month for each Broadband Voice line subject to the contract. Inland Calls which are defined as: 01, 02, 03, 05 (where charged at G21 rates), 0870, 0845 and calls from Northern Ireland to fixed destinations in the Republic of Ireland, Broadband Voice Calls to Broadband Voice Numbers.

23. Under The thisnew specialcontract offer, the Customer will qualifybe forsubject 500to a freeMinimum inlandPeriod callof minutes1 per calendar month foror each2 Broadbandyears Voiceas lineapplicable subject to the contract. Inlandand Calls which are defined as: 01,specified 02,on 03,the 05 (where charged at G21 rates), 0870, 0845 and calls from Northern Ireland to fixed destinations in the Republic of Ireland, Broadband Voice Calls to Broadband Voice Numbers.order

34. The new500 contractfree willminutes beare subjectfor to usea Minimumwithin Periodthe ofcalendar 1month or 2 years as applicable and asunused specifiedminutes onwill notthe orderbe carried over into the following month or included as part of any call spend or other contribution for the purposes of any BT call package including but not limited to BT Business One Plan/ BT Business One Plan Plus. Calls made within the 500 free minutes will be rounded up to the next 60 seconds. Unused minutes will be lost on termination of the contract.

4. The 5005. freeSubject minutesto areparagraph 2 above, all standard charges for useBT withinBusiness theBroadband calendarVoice monthService will apply. Calls made to UK inlandand unusednumbers, which minutesare willdefined notas: be01, carried02, over03, into05 the(where followingcharged monthat orG21 includedrates), as0870, part0845 ofand anycalls callfrom spendNorthern orIreland otherto contributionfixed fordestinations in the purposesRepublic of anyIreland, BTBroadband callVoice packageCalls including but not limited to BTBroadband BusinessVoice OneNumbers, Plan/ BT Business One Plan Plus. Calls made within the 500 free minutesin willany bemonth roundedwhen up to the next500 60free Unused minutes have been used will be lostcharged on terminationat of the contractapplicable package rate.

56. BT Subjectreserves the right to paragraphwithdraw 2this above,special alloffer standardat chargesany fortime BTwithout Business Broadband Voice Service will applynotice. Calls made to UK inland numbers, which are defined as: 01, 02, 03, 05 (where charged at G21 rates), 0870, 0845 and calls from Northern Ireland to fixed destinations in the Republic of Ireland, Broadband Voice Calls to Broadband Voice Numbers, in any month when the 500 free call minutes have been used will be charged at the applicable package rate.

6. BT reserves the right to withdraw this special offer at any time without notice.

7. Except to the extent expressly stated above, BT's standard conditions for BT Business Broadband Voice Service will apply in full. In the event of any conflict, these special offer terms and conditions shall take precedence.

British Telecommunications Plc.

17th September 2010