Connection & Takeover Charge Per PSTN Line | | BUSINESS |
| NB Takeover applies when a Customer occupies a premises and a line used by a previous Customer is already in place at the premises, has a Dial Tone, (or soft dial tone) , and where no changes to internal or external wiring are required. It does not apply for number changes or other administrative changes on a line at a customer's existing premises. In these circumstances charges will apply. | , the full connection fee will
be charged for customers requesting new service unless and until a site survey, conducted
by a BT engineer, confirms that wiring already exists and is fit for purpose and no
additional work is required. Following this confirmation, any full connection charge
already raised will be credited back to the customer on their next bill. If the wiring is
not suitable and further works are required the full connection fee will be charged and
time related charge may also apply see Section 15Part 8. | RESIDENTIAL | For all Residential Special Offers see Special Notices at Notices 2007 and Notices 2008 |
| Additional charges may apply if extensive new construction is required. | Residential Customers If the premises has had telephone service from BT in the recent past, and the wiring and socket is undamaged and the line still has dialling tone, a connection charge may not be payable. Where there is no suitable BT telephone line available in the property a connection charge of £130.00(Inc VAT) may apply. This fee covers engineering work in the exchange or customer's property in order to connect the line. BT will advise of a connection charge at the time the order is placed however this will be confirmed after checks have been carried out against the details of your property, to ascertain the condition of the wiring and sockets. |
| Spread Connection | | Customers that are accepted under these arrangements will not be requested to pay a deposit. | Monthly billing and Monthly Payment Plan (MPP), arrangements are not available on lines until the final spread connection instalment is paid. | Customers who terminate service before the final instalment has been paid will be liable for the remaining costs. | Spread Connection - Business Customers | | This service is no longer available for new supply. Previously, Business Customers who applied for a new exchange line could choose to spread the connection charge over 12 months. An administration charge of £10.00 (exc VAT) / £12.00 (inc VAT) is payable on the initial bill, followed by four further payments of £26.59 (exc VAT) / £31.92 (inc VAT) which will be added to the next four quarterly bills. Spread connection is not available for Business PSTN contracts with a 24 month Minimum Period. |
| Spread Connection - Residential Customers | | Residential customers who apply for a new exchange line can choose to make a payment in advance of service of £21.66(exc VAT) / £26.00(inc VAT) followed by four further payments of £21.66(exc VAT) / £26.00(inc VAT) which will be added to their first four quarterly bills. BT Basic customers who apply for a new exchange line can choose to make a payment in advance of service of £26.00(inc VAT) followed by four further payments of £26.00(inc VAT) which will be added to their first four
quarterly bills. |
| PSTN Conversion Charges From Isdn2/2e, Home Highway (Home Highway Has Been Withdrawn From New Supply with Effect From 5 September 2005) or Business Highway Lines | | The table below details the rates for customers who have Highway or ISDN service but wish to cease the current service and take up PSTN. |
| All prices apply for business and residential customers. The above charges apply to conversions to Standard, Calling Plans, BT Working Together (Res and Bus) PSTN lines. | When converting from Highway only the first channel will be considered a conversion. | Where customers convert to PSTN service, the minimum period of service is 12 months unless stated otherwise above. | A homemover in this instance is defined as a BT customer who ceases PSTN service when moving home, and at the same time requests a reprovide of PSTN only at new premises where ISDN2 exists. Any BT customer who does not request a PSTN reprovide at the time of ceasing service will be required to pay the relevant charge to convert the Highway or ISDN2 installation at the new premises to PSTN. |
| Rental Per Quarter (Excluding Telephone) | | A payment processing fee is payable on each account for residential and business customers who do not settle their accounts by Monthly Payment Plan or variable Direct Debit - see Section 15Part 12sub part 3. Residential customers on the BT Pay&CallBasic (BTare Pay&Callexcluded wasfrom withdrawnthe onpayment 31stprocessing Decemberfee. 2009)The or BT Basic are excluded from the payment processing fee. The payment processing fee is levied by BT Payment Services Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of British Telecommunications plc. | From 1st September 2010 the monthly paper-free discount will not be available for new supply - please refer to line
rental saver (Section 55Part 19) for details of an alternative which requires
paper-free billing and includes a discount on rental. Paper-free billing remains available as an option for all. Customers who have previously agreed to replace a paper bill with an on-line bill, receive a discount of £1.25inc VAT on their account for every month in which they spend at least £13.60inc VAT (£11.33exc VAT) on rental charges, provided the bill is paid by direct debit or monthly payment plan. Customers will receive an email advising that their bill is available to view on-line.
For customers already in receipt of the paper-free discount, it remains available per account and to customers on a Calling Plan, BT Together Local and BT Working Together. It is not available on BT Mobile or BT Fusion accounts. The discount is only applied on accounts where the customer has a total rental charge greater than or equal to £13.60inc VAT ( £11.33exc VAT) per month, before any other discounts are applied e.g. special offers. One-off charges such as usage charges, brought forward amounts, payment processing fees and any other non rental charges do not count as rental charges. The discount is applied for rental charges in advance.
If the customer changes the method by which they receive bills they will become ineligible for the paper-free discount.
Customers on BT Basic may opt for paper-free billing, but will not receive a discount. |
| Rental Per Quarter (Excluding Telephone) | | BUSINESS RENTAL |
| Early Termination Charges for Business PSTN Lines, including - BT Business Line Divert | If the customer terminates the contract for a Business PSTN line before the end of the Minimum Period, the following early termination charges will apply: | 1. Contracts with a 12 Month Minimum Period | If the contract is terminated within 12 months, the customer will pay BT the full rental for the remainder of the 12 month period. | 2. Contracts with a 24 Month Minimum Period | i) Where the Contract is terminated within the first 12 months of the Minimum Period, the Customer will pay BT: a) the full rental due for the first 12 months of the Minimum Period and 20% of the rental that would otherwise have been payable for the remainder of the Minimum Period at the rental applicable on the date of termination (exclusive of VAT). AND b) the difference between the connection charge actually paid per line and the connection charge which would have been paid per line at the time the line was taken, had the customer not taken out a 24 month Minimum Period (plus VAT). ii) Where the Contract is terminated after the first 12 months of the Minimum Period, the Customer will pay BT: a) 20% of the rental that would otherwise have been payable for the remainder of the Minimum Period at the rental applicable on the date of termination (exclusive of VAT). AND b) the difference between the connection charge actually paid per line and the connection charge which would have been paid per line at the time the line was taken, had the customer not taken out a 24 month Minimum Period (plus VAT). iii) At the end of the Minimum Period, the business PSTN rental charges will revert to the standard charges applicable at that time. | 3. BT Business Line Divert | If the contract for the PSTN rental is terminated within the 12 month Minimum Period the customer will pay BT the full PSTN line rental for the remainder of the 12 month period. | 4. For Contracts on both 12 month and 24 month Minimum Period and BT Business Line Divert: | i) VAT will not be applied to these termination charges, unless otherwise stated. ii) Termination charges where a Customer is moving a PSTN Business Line do not apply to existing customers moving to a new location within the same building. Under these circumstances a shift and visit charge would apply unless installation takeover is applicable. Please See Part 12 of this Section. iii) Termination charges will not apply where the customer wishes to upgrade service at a site from PSTN to ISDN2e, ISDN30e, Featureline, Featureline Compact, Featureline Corporate, Featurenet Embark, Featureline to ISDN2e and ISDN30, or a 'converged' proposition involving BT PSTN lines, ISDN lines or Featurelines, under a new contract of at least the equivalent remaining Minimum Period. iv) Termination charges will not apply where a customer wishes to cease an installation and relocate to another site and BT PSTN, ISDN2e, ISDN30e, Featureline, Featureline Compact, Featureline Corporate or Featurenet Embark is taken at that site (with normal connection or takeover charges) under a new contract with at least the minimum term of service on the ceasing line i.e 12 or 24 months). The charge will not be applied irrespective of when during the initial term of service that the relocation takes place. v) Termination charges apply irrespective of whether the business PSTN line was provided as new or was taken over. vi) For BT Business Line Divert only - early termination charges will not apply where the customer moves to an ordinary Business PSTN line, however the PSTN customer will be held to the remainder of the 12 month Minimum Period. If the customer seeks to terminate within the remainder of the 12 month Minimum Period, early termination charges apply. | RESIDENTIAL |
| Concessionary Rental for Payphone Lines Provided in Business Premises in Circumstances as Shown in Part 3 of This Section. | |
| Early Termination Charges for Residential PSTN Lines | | If the customer terminates their agreement for a residential PSTN line before the end of the minimum period the customer will pay a charge for ending the agreement early, by way of compensation to BT. The charge for ending any service for either a new line or a line that a customer takes over is as follows: Unlimited Weekend Package and any special offer related to this package: If the customer does decide to end their contract within the 12 or 18 month minimum term, they will incur a single charge calculated on the number of days remaining in the term at the equivalent monthly rate of £2.50 for each month left of the minimum term.
Unlimited Evening and Weekend Package and any special offer related to this package: If the customer does decide to end their contract within the 12 or 18 month minimum term, they will incur a single charge calculated on the number of days remaining in the term at the equivalent monthly rate of £3.00 for each month left of the minimum term. Unlimited Anytime Package and any special offer related to this package: If the customer does decide to end their contract within the 12 or 18 month minimum term, they will incur a single charge calculated on the number of days remaining in the term at the equivalent monthly rate of £5.50 for each month left of the minimum term.
The termination charges above are not subject to VAT. | These early termination charges do not apply to existing customers moving to a new location within the same building. Under these circumstances a shift and visit charge would apply unless an installation take-over is applicable. VAT is not applicable to cancellation charges. | Order Cancellation Charge | Charges will be raised where a Customer cancels a Contract or the provision of a line before Service is provided, the charges are as follows: | (a). £ 15.00 charge per cancellation call (this charge is VAT exempt); and | (b). BT's reasonable costs incurred in getting ready to provide the Service. | This charge will apply to new provisions, takeovers and conversions. | OTHER CHANGES | Minor changes in office records to customer's name or address without change of premises - no charge. | The charge applies per exchange line or group of exchange lines (auxiliary working) and the Charges for alterations are cumulative. | The charge for change of number is additional to any takeover charge, and is limited to number changes within the local exchange area only. As a general principle when a removing customer asks for his/her old telephone number to be provided at his/her new address, a Change of Number charge is made. The only exception is where the old number is to be provided on a new exchange line at the new address, in which case no Change of Number charge is made. |