Contract Variations 1. Once a Contract has been signed then cancellation or cessation of any of the services ordered may incur charges..
2. If the Contract or any part of the Service is cancelled at any time before BT provides the Service then the Customer will be liable to pay the full 1 Year Minimum Period Set-up Fees plus 1 Quarter's Rental Charges at the 1 Year Minimum Period rates. There will be a five day period following receipt of the signed Contract by the BT HostedOne IPTCloud -UK Nextgen Technical Centre, during which cancellation may be made without incurring charges. When provision of a Service is placed on hold by the Customer during the provision cycle it can only be held for a maximum of 3 months. After this time the Service will be deemed to be cancelled and any appropriate charges as detailed above will be raised.
3. Once BT has provided the Service, then the Service is subject to the Minimum Term applicable to each Service element provided and full Rental Charges will be charged for that period.
4. If the Contract or any part of the Service, which has a Minimum Period of 3 years or greater, is terminated after the Service has been provided, then the charges quoted in paragraph 3 above will apply and in addition, 25% of the remaining quarterly Rental Charges due between the date of termination or the end of the Minimum Term, (whichever is later), and the end of the Minimum Period will be charged.
5. For each customer network, provided that during each year of the Minimum Period a customer does not cease more than 10% of their HostedLine IPT Centrex Users and TrunksTrunk Appearancesin service at the beginningin serviceof thatat year, thenthe beginningparagraph of4 thatwill yearnot apply to those services. However, suchthen Servicesparagraph 4will stillwill benot subjectapply to thethose applicableservices Minimum Term.
However, such Services will still be subject to the applicable Minimum Term.
6. The charges specified in paragraph 5 will not apply to conversion of Hosted IPT Trunk Appearanceservices to Hosted IPT Centrex services toprovided Line Appearance services provided that:
i. Applicable Set-up Fees are paid.
ii.The new Service will run for the same Minimum Period as the converted service with the proviso that the new service will start a new applicable Minimum Term.