NOTE: Please note that the charges and conditions in Subpart1 apply only to WavelengthWavestream Connect with a radial distance of 35km for contracts entered into before 1 January, 2009.
Charges and Conditions for WavelengthWavestream Connect with a radial distance of 35 km for contracts entered into after 1 January, 2009 can be found inSubpart 2:
Provided between two customer sites up to 35km (radial distance) apart, Wavestream Connect is a point to point data service offering high bandwidth connectivity and allowing the transport of a variety of protocols such as FDDI, ATM, ESCON and Ethernet.
The Service consists of:
DWDM (Dense Wave Division Multiplex) Wavestream Connect A - offering four initial active wavelengths operating at 1.25 Gbit/s and running over a single pair of fibre, with an additional fibre pair to offer service resilience. Customers may, if and when they wish, upgrade their service to a maximum of thirty two active wavelengths.
Wavelengths can be either 1.25Gbit/s, 2.5Gbit/s or 10Gbit/s. There is an additional rental charge for each 2.5Gbit/s and 10Gbit/s wavelength ordered.
DWDM (Dense Wave Division Multiplex) Wavestream Connect B - offering four initial active wavelengths operating at 1.25 Gbit/s and running over a single pair of fibre. Customers may, if and when they wish, upgrade their service to a maximum of thirty two active wavelengths.
Available nationally within the UK to all customers requiring interconnection of 1.25 Gbit/s, 2.5 Gbit/s and 10 Gbit/s.
Pricing Information
All prices are quoted exclusive of VAT.
A fixed connection charge is made for each of the service's `Local Ends' (i.e. from each of the customer's sites to their local exchange). This charge includes the initial four active wavelengths that are provided as standard for this service. A Main Link connection charge is also made for circuits where the radial distance between the two local serving exchanges is greater than 5000m. Main Link charges do not apply for circuits within the same local serving exchange area.
In addition, an annual rental charge is made for each Local End, which includes the four initial active wavelengths. A Main Link annual rental charge is also made for those circuits where the Main Link element applies.
After the first four active wavelengths supplied as standard service, both a connection and annual rental charge apply to additional wavelengths 5 to 8 for each Local End. Further connection and rental charges apply to additional wavelengths 9 to 32 for each Local End. In addition, any wavelength can be upgraded to 2.5Gbit/s or 10Gbit/s (maximum of 16 10 Gbit/s wavelengths per system) for an additional charge. Customers upgrading existing wavelengths to 10 Gbit/s may need to allocate significant downtime in order to ensure the service is correctly installed. This is dependent on the distance to be supported and the manufacturer of the terminating equipment.
Rental charges are payable annual in advance on the service,or part thereof, first becoming available.
Ancillary Charges
Charges for infrastructure over and above standard requirements are given in section 45 part 1 These charges include work on internal trunking & traywork; breaking through walls; additional poles, ducts and cables; radio charges and miscellaneous non-standard or specially requested items.
Shift Charges
Where customers require a Local End to be moved within the same building (an internal shift), Network Timescale rates (see Section 15 of the Price List) apply.
Where customers require the Local End to be moved to a new building (an external shift) within the same exchange area, then the appropriate connection charge for one Local End will apply. Where the external shift is made to a different exchange area, the appropriate connection charges for one Local End and a Main Link will apply. If both Local Ends are required to be shifted, standard charges for a new circuit will apply.
All shifts involve a break in service. If a break is unacceptable, the appropriate connection charges, as applicable to a new circuit, will apply.
Following an external shift contract rentals:
- rentals for annual contracts will be recalculated as appropriate at the prevailing price.
- rentals for Fixed Price and Long Term contracts will be recalculated at the rates applicable to when the contract was originally signed or at the prevailing rates if these are lower.
Service is provided under BT'S `Conditions for Private Services'.
All orders taken for the provision of Wavestream Connect are subject to feasibility checks to ensure that service can be provided. Where service cannot be provided, the order will be cancelled without liability.
It should be noted that in some circumstances even amplification may not allow a system to support a full 32 channel high bandwidth configuration, in such cases a reduced maximum number of channels and reduced maximum bandwidth may be offered.
Wavestream Connect A systems delivered using ADVA hardware does not support 10Gb wavelengths.
Upgrade to 10Gb wavelengths may involve significant rework of existing systems and may therefore result in longer than normal loss of service whilst the upgrade is being completed.
Existing channels can be upgraded to higher bandwidth services, in which case the standard connection and rental charges will apply.
Contract Options
BT's Conditions for Private Services apply to Wavestream Connect. The relevant contract options can be found in Section 12 part 8 of the Price List.
(a)(a) Subsequent pricing for Wavestream Connect is no longer available for new supply from 30th July 2008.