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Section 2:Call Charges & Exchange Line Services

Part 23:Text Relay

Subpart 1: Text Relay


The Text Relay service is accessed via the PSTN and enables communication for textphone users i.e. between 2 parties in either text to text mode or text to voice mode. A relay assistant will provide voice to text conversion on text to voice or voice to text calls, while text-to-text calls will not use a relay assistant.

Callers will prefix the required number with an Indirect Access code (18000/18001/18002) depending on their requirement.


Available to all BT Customers.

Text Relay 18001

The Text Relay prefix will be 18001. If a textphone user wants to call a number, the number they will dial will be prefixed by 18001. There is no need to pause after the access code.

Text Relay 18002

For voice users the Text Relay prefix will be 18002. Voice users should use Text Relay when they wish to communicate with a textphone user either answered by or transferred to as in the case of a household or office with mixed ability. i.e. textphone and voice users. To make a call to a number, the number they will dial will be prefixed by 18002. There is no need to pause after the access code.

Text Relay 18000

The Text Relay emergency call access code will be 18000. If a textphone user wants to contact the emergency services i.e. 999, 112 the number they will dial will be 18000. The call will be placed to the emergency services via the Text Relay service (this will be a free call with resilient functionality in line with direct 999 PSTN access).


Users do not need to be registered for the service, all chargeable calls will appear on the caller's telephone bill i.e billed to the originating line where the call was made from. A relay assistant will provide voice to text conversion, while text-to-text calls will not use a relay assistant. Callers will be charged at the appropriate PSTN rate for the A to B call. There will be no additional charges incurred against the Text Relay conveyancing or the relay assistant. i.e. for charging details prior to the affects of the appropriate Text Rebate see the Price List in Section 2, against the relevant call types:

Text Rebate

A rebate is applied to the text element of all valid calls originated via 18001 or 18002 when either or both ends are in text mode. This rebate is only applied to parts of the call which are in excess of the minimum charge i.e. no rebate is applied to the part of the call which is less than the minimum call charge for that call.

e.g. a call with 50% text (on the element call greater than the minimum charge) to a destination with 60% rebate will attract 30% rebate (to the charges above the minimum charge).

The Unlimited Weekend Plan, Daytime and Evening Calls are subject to rebate; Weekend calls are inclusive for the first hour of each call. Charges for the Unlimited Weekend Plan are shown in Section 55Part 1of the BT Price List

Valid Text Relay calls and the rebates they attract are:

  • Direct Dialled calls to UK inland and 0870 telephone numbers - 60% rebate
  • Direct Dialled calls to UK mobile telephone numbers - 20% rebate

The rebate is zero-rated for all other calls which includes calls where BT returns a large percentage of the call revenue to a third party (i.e. Premium rate, Personal Numbers, International and mostNon-Geographical NationalNon-Geographical Ratenumbers e.g. 0844 and 0871) or a fixed fee is applicable (ii.e.087x) or a fixed fee is applicable (i.e. DQ and IDQ calls 0% rebate).

The rebate is zero-rated for calls which are zero charged or charged through a third party i.e. either to or from Operator services or charge card options.

  • UK inland (including calls to 0870 numbers) 60% rebate (applicable text element)
  • Mobile 20% rebate (applicable text element)
  • DQ 118 0% rebate
  • IDQ 118 0% rebate
  • International 0% rebate
  • Premium 0% rebate
  • Personal Numbers 0% rebate

Calls, which are charged through a third party, will continue to be charged by third party with no rebate applied via Text Relay i.e. either to or from operator services or charge card options.

Non Geographical National RateCalls 087x(other than to 0870 numbers) 0% rebate.