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Summary of Notifications for 01-06-2012

The following changes were notified to Ofcom on 01-06-2012

Section 21: One Cloud Part 3: Contractual Information: OpDate: 05-06-2012
Section 21: One Cloud Part 3: One Cloud Cisco (UK): OpDate: 05-06-2012
Section 21: One Cloud Part 3: Pricing Information: OpDate: 05-06-2012
Section 21: One Cloud Part 3: Product Description: OpDate: 05-06-2012
Section 15: Miscellaneous Part 4: Line Isolating Units: OpDate: 01-07-2012 - This change may be to the significant detriment of some customers.Customers should refer to the terms and conditions at for their rights under the contract in these circumstances.
Section 4: Telephones & Ancillary Apparatus Part 8: Miscellaneous : OpDate: 01-07-2012
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